Most people walk a very thin line when it comes to sex; there’s always the “Old Reliable” (a.k.a., the missionary style), but after some time, you and your partner might find yourself wanting to try new things when it comes to sex. Sex toys are all well and good, but here are some sex toys that might be just a little bit too edgy for you and your partner, and using them might result in turning your partner off rather than the hot, heavy, and wild night that you were anticipating.
1. Vaginal Shrink Cream
Guys who love it good and tight will want to make sure that they keep a tube of Wanna Be Tight or Sure Grip Tighten Her Shrink Cream beside their beds when they make love with their ladies for an extra wild and fun night.
2. Bordello Saskia Life-Like Stroker
Sure, you might have seen a crazy-looking dildo or two, but how about a crazy-looking vagina? This masturbator comes with life-like CyberSkin material that molds around your penis when you thrust, along with large breasts that bounce with your motion. The inner walls of this vagina are also ribbed, allowing for extra sensations.

Use modern technology to your advantage! This little baby allows you to turn on the machine and pleasure your partner using the power of the wireless connection. Be warned though, this might not be the best sex toy to use in an office, since losing the remote will basically mean that you won’t have a way to turn off the vibrator.

It’s not just the guys who love the sucking motion; girls will love it too with the Triple Super Suck: Nipple Suction Cups. Just place the suction cups on her nipples, and pump the bulb manually for a sucking action that will drive your lady wild.

One of the most awkward things during sex is blindly rummaging around your drawer looking for lubricant. Well, with the glow in the dark lubricant Glo-Glo a Go-Go, you won’t have to worry about blind groping anymore!
6. PornKins
If you’re the type of loves to get in touch with their inner child during sex, then the PornKin is for you! This sex toy is an adult-rated version of the pumpkin that you put on your porch as a kid. Celebrate Halloween with your lover in the most intimate way possible; by sticking a knife into a pumpkin to carve out some erotic shapes, before your man stabs your pumpkin with his knife.
7. Pony Play Butt Plug
This little sex toy gives a whole new meaning to “hung like a horse”. Sure, some people might find having a horse tail hanging from their ass during sex as a huge turn-on, but you might want to make sure that your lover has some zoo-philic fantasies lurking about in their head before busting out this sex toy, otherwise, it’s going to be an awkward night ahead of you.